Dr. Jannette Amaral-Rodriguez
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Faculty Research Award, Hampden-Sydney College, 2014
Summer Merit Award, Columbia University, 2009
Summer Research Fellowship, Columbia University, 2008
Faculty Fellowship, Columbia University, 2003-2004
“From the ‘Boj’ to Tlaxcala’s ‘Redondez’: The Making of a Political Island”. University of Richmond. February 10th, 2015.
“The Passing unto All Human Kind”: Columbus, Isis, and the Conquest of Mexico-Tenochtitlan in Descripción de la ciudad y provincia de Tlaxcala”. Democracy and Memory. XXXII International
Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Chicago, IL. May 21-24, 2014.“The Passing unto All Human Kind”: Columbus, Isis, and the Conquest of Mexico-Tenochtitlan in Descripción de la ciudad y provincia de Tlaxcala”. Amherst College. February 15th, 2014.
“Y si llega el hambre, ¿qué se comerá? ¿acaso tomines? ¿o acaso cacao?”: Mercantilización, religión y el surgimiento de un nuevo sujeto social en Tlaxcala (s. XVI)”. Towards a New Social
Contract? XXXI International Congress. Latin American Studies Association. Washington DC. May 29-June 1, 2013.
“Indigenous Geographical Narratives and the Invention of the New World”. Global Positioning Systems. 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association. Toronto,
Canada. April 4-7, 2013.“Geography, Measurement, and Conquest in 1580’s Tlaxcala: The Making of a Rhetorical Island”. Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Chicago. January 18th, 2013.
“Ekphrasis and the Intimate Space of Power: Assessing an Imperial Cartography in Descripción de la ciudad y provincia de Tlaxcala (1581-1585)”. South West Council of Latin American
Studies 2011 Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. March 10-13, 2011.‘“En todo se hallaron los tlaxcaltecas”: Between Reducción and a Nomadic Itinerary of Conquest”. Early American Borderlands. Third Early Ibero/Anglo Americanists Summit. Flagler College. St.
Augustine, Florida. May 12-15, 2010.
Book Chapters
“El Concilio de Trento y la representación de la santidad femenina en La perseguida triunfante de María de Zayas”. Ficciones legales: Ensayos sobre ley, retórica y narración. Ed. Carmen Rabell.
San Juan: Monografías del Maitén, 2007, 212-224.