¡Hola a todos! My name is Dr. Karina Vazquez, and I am the director of the Spanish community-based learning (CBL) program and a professor within the LALIS department. For almost two decades, LALIS CBL Program has been building between curricular content and experiences with the Spanish speaking and/or Hispanic/Latinx communities, giving students the opportunity to enrich their cultural experience, explore professional/career paths and use their language skills while contributing to make our community more inclusive. Through initiatives carried out by UR Spanish students in collaboration with local government agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, health organizations, advocacy groups, immigrant and refugee coalitions, and social services offices, we aim to promote theory-driven and high-impact engagement collaborative projects between faculty, students and community partners that promote and guarantee access to culture, education, linguistic rights, protection against domestic/gender violence, health services, and justice. LALIS offers several courses focused on collaborating with the community through volunteer initiatives and projects, gaining professional experience through the work with community partners, and integrating CBL projects as part of the curriculum. With over 15 community partners, LALIS faculty and students are striving to enact positive change in Richmond!
2023-2024 LALIS Community-Based Learning Accomplishments
Hours of Volunteering